
Here’s some feedback from previous retreats.

“Hi Melinda, When you first invited me to this past retreat, I thought I was just going to be one of a large group of people, and that you were just inviting whomever. Once I got there, it was apparent that I was one out of a select group of people. I feel honored.
I was raised to think that therapy was for crazy people. I now know that’s not true. However, a part of me still thought that I’m just a privileged white dude that pays you money to listen to me whine about my life. Without a doubt, you inviting me to be a part of this group of amazing people dispels that negative self story.

A few interrelated, fairly deep rooted things surfaced for me this past weekend. I can’t wait to start digging into them in our next session. Without this weekend, who knows how much longer they would have lied dormant.

I loved meeting all of the Stardust Children this past weekend. I really felt that I was at the genesis of something special. I felt a part of it, and, at times, a witness to it. Even our hosts felt it.

It’s hard to express the gratitude that I have for being included this weekend. Thank you for orchestrating the symphony of feminine and masculine energy. I was in awe to be in the presence of such powerful and courageous women. Everyone showed the fuck up, and you created the safe container for that to happen.”

In gratitude,
Ernie Stardust

“Arrived feeling over worked and disconnected from myself, left feeling more awake and uplifted. The space I was allowed and allowed myself to have for others helped me process and fully relax into myself again, shifting towards that inner child I craved so much. Feeling part of something bigger than oneself is one of the most beautiful things and the wonderful people I met during my time made it so easy to find the healing I needed.”

-Thomas H.

“Each morning I woke to my beating heart and animal calls, as they awoke with me and rose with the sun. My mind, body and soul was invited, nourished, shaken, held and communicated in the circles of song, dance, movement and words of sharing. The Retreat was an absolute rejuvenation and expansion. There was was depth of vulnerability, joy, sharing and love that reverberates through me, even still.”

-Shannon B.